News & Business Updates

Business Updates – 2023

Business Updates — 2023 from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders February 8, 2023 I know that it’s already February and that I haven’t yet taken the opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year — and I am anticipating that 2023 will be that… and more. I receive many...

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Nov 2022 Business Update

Nov 2022 Business Updates from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders November 22, 2022 I didn’t want to let this season of Thanksgiving go by without taking the opportunity to tell you how grateful I am… and how optimistic I continue to be related to the future of El...

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Sept 2022 Business Updates

Sept 2022 Business Updates from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders September 28, 2022 I think most of us have heard the expression No news is good news. And while I tend to believe that’s usually true… I’ll tell you that it tests my patience to give the deal-making...

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August 2022 Business Update

BUSINESS UPDATES – 2022from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders August 22, 2022I expect that I’m not the only one who finds “the waiting game” frustrating, and these past few weeks have tested my patience — as I am as anxious as you all are to see us secure the funds we...

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June 2022 Business Update

BUSINESS UPDATES – 2022from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders June 30, 2022As I’ve reported over the past few months, we continue to pursue several avenues for the funding we need to get operational. It’s a waiting game — and a painful one, since I, like you, want to...

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May 2022 Business Update

BUSINESS UPDATES – 2022from ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders I am calling this the “housekeeping” update… as we begin some long-term planning that is likely toinclude the resumption of Annual Shareholder Meetings that could begin as early as Q1 of 2023. With that in...

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April 2022 Business Update

APRIL BUSINESS UPDATE from ECPN Board Chairman Doug SandersWell… we are sitting on a gold mine. Many of us have believed that for a long time. And today I am pleased to announce that — after several decades of unsuccessful efforts at profitability — we are finally...

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