Dec. 29 – Weekly Update

Weekly Update From ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders Wednesday, December 29, 2021 What a year this has been. Since being elected as your Chairman, we’ve had a laser focus on production and profitability and it is beginning to pay off. As I’ve shared in previous...

Dec. 22 – Weekly Update

Weekly Update From ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders Wednesday, December 22, 2021 I haven’t reported much on this subject over the past year, as there hasn’t been much in the way of updates to share, but this week I do have some news. Most of you may not know that I...

Dec. 15 – Weekly Update

Weekly Update From ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders Wednesday, December 15, 2021 More NDAs and at least a dozen phone calls and conferences as we work to move forward on several fronts. It’s still too early to share too much, as all parties — all highly motivated and...

Dec. 8 – Weekly Update

Weekly Update From ECPN Board Chairman Doug Sanders Wednesday, December 8, 2021 This week has been a flurry of NDAs executed and exchanged among multiple parties that have either expressed interest in purchasing ECPN products or are considering submitting business...